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Online Marketing Tips SEO Website Tips

How to Use Chat GPT AI to Copywrite Amazing SEO Content For Your Website That Sells

In this video I show you the exact process I use to write SEO content with Chat GPT which not only sells but also ranks on Google.

You do NOT want to just copy and paste content from Chat GPT.

I will show you how to use Chat GPT to structure your content and write the foundation, which you can then use to write a great piece of copy which will work for search engine optimization.

Link to document from the video:

Google Ads & PPC Online Marketing Tips SEO

How to Use the Google Ads Keyword Planner to Do Keyword Research

In this post I’m going to show you a free tool you can use to research which keywords you should be targeting with your ads and your SEO as well.

While there are paid tools out there that will give you a lot more data, the Google Ads Keyword Planner is a good free tool that is more than adequate to get started and even use on its own if you know what you are doing.

So firstly,

What Is The Google Ads Keyword Planner?

The Google Ads Keyword Planner is a free tool that Google gives us to use within the Google Ads platform. It allows you to set the location and a few other details, and enter the keywords you want to see the search volume of, and it will tell you approximately how many people are searching these keywords every month from that location.

It will also give you a list of related keywords and their search volume. I’ll show you all this in a minute.

First, in order to access it, you need to make free Google Ads Account. You don’t have to spend any money to access this tool, you just need the account.

I’m going to walk you through how to do that quickly now, because if you go in and try to do it while following Google’s prompts, it’s going to get you to set up a “smart” campaign (here is why you shouldn’t use smart campaigns) and enter your payment details, which we don’t need for this.

Setting Up Your Google Ads Account


Go to, and click the “Get Started” button in the top right:

Google Ads Sign In

Now scroll down to the bottom and click “Switch to Expert Mode”. This will allow you to skip the whole “smart” process and just make an account:

Now on the next page, scroll down and click “Create an Account Without a Campaign”. This will allow you to skip the guided campaign creation process and create your account without payment details:

Google Ads Create An Account Without a Campaign

Now just fill out the correct details for your circumstances on the following page and hit submit:

Google Ads Account Setup

And now you have a Google Ads account and can access the Keyword Planner.

Accessing the Keyword Planner

To access the keyword planner, click “Tools and Settings” in the top banner, then click “Keyword Planner”:

Accessing the Google Ads Keyword Planner

Now you’ll be in the Keyword Planner and will be given two main options:

– Discover New Keywords

– Get Search Volume and Forecasts

Inside Google Ads Keyword Planner

I usually just use the “Discover new keywords” option because that gives you the search volume (the same data the Get search volume and forecasts” gives you), but it also gives you a list of recommended keywords that Google thinks relate to the ones you put in.

Once you select “Discover new keywords”, you’ll see this page:

Discover New Keywords in Google Ads Keyword Planner

In the main search box you enter the keywords you want to look up (remember to hit “Enter” on your keyboard after typing each keyword), and underneath it there will be a location, click on that to change the location. You can also change the language by clicking where it says “English” (you would do this if you are targeting people who use a different language on Google):

How to Use Google Ads Keyword Planner

When you click the location, you’ll get a pop up box that will give you the options you need to select a location. Simply enter the location(s) you want and click “Save”:

Location Selection in Google Ads Keyword Planner

When you’ve entered all the details, press “Get Results” and you will see the results for your keyword and the list of recommended keywords:

Keyword Results in Google Ads Keyword Planner

You will see a number of columns here. I will quickly go over each one so you know what you are looking at:

  • Keyword: The keyword all the stats are for.
  • monthly searches: This is the estimate Google gives you of how many people are searching for that exact keyword each month. This is only a rough estimate, so bear that in mind, but it will give you an idea of how much search volume there is. If it shows 0-10, the keyword is probably not worth going after.
  • Three month change: This is the change of search volume in the last three months – so how much it has increased, decreased or if it has stayed the same. This can give you an idea if the popularity of the keyword (and the topic) is going up or down.
  • YoY Change: Similar to the previous one, except it’s comparing the last month with the same month last year (for example July 2022 vs July 2021). This gives you an idea of the longer term trend of the keyword.
  • Competition: This is how competitive the keyword is based on your location, language and other settings. Personally I wouldn’t put a lot of weight on this metric, so don’t worry too much about it.
  • Ad impression share: This tells you how many times your ads have shown for this keyword versus the total number of searches. So for example, if it says 50%, it means your ad only showed for only half of the searches for this keyword. This metric will only show if you have already run ads for this keyword in the account you are using.
  • Top of page bid range (low and high): These two columns give you a general idea of how much you can expect to pay per click for the keyword. Again, these are very rough estimates and a lot of the time you’ll find that you pay more than they show here, so they only give you a rough idea.

Basically, they main one you want to pay attention to is the “Avg. monthly searches”, as this tells you how much volume the keyword gets. And if you are doing SEO, most of the other ones don’t matter to you anyway.

The general rules I use are:

  • If the keyword has 0-10 searches, don’t waste your time.
  • If the keyword has 10-100 searches, it’s worth going after, it generally won’t be as competitive but you may not get enough search volume so you will have to go after the keyword variations for it to get enough volume
  • If the keyword has 100+, especially if it has 1000+, you have enough search volume but the competition is generally higher, so be prepared for that.

So now you should have a pretty good idea of how to use the Keyword Planner to look up keywords you are thinking of targeting to see if they’re worthwhile going after.

Google Ads & PPC Online Marketing Tips

How to Decide Which Online Marketing Method You Should Do For Your Law Firm

If you are looking to do some online marketing for your law firm, it can be overwhelming trying to decide which method you should go for.

Google Ads, SEO, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, the list goes on.

Which is the best? Should you do them all?

In this post I am going to go through the process I use when starting marketing with a new client, and how I decide which method to go for.

For the purpose of this post I’m going to assume you’re a regular, smaller sized law firm offering general civil and commercial practice areas. If you work in a very specialised area (such as Crypto for example) that may require a slightly different approach.

So, generally speaking you’ll want fast results, especially if you are a smaller law firm or just starting out. Investing for months in an organic marketing method is not really practical, and may turn out not to work, so you don’t want to risk that right at the beginning.

That leaves us with paid methods such as Google or Facebook Ads.

Now, while paid methods may seem more expensive because you have to pay for the ads, they’ll actually end up costing less because you’ll see a return on your money and time a lot faster than most organic methods. Either that or you will find out quickly that they don’t work, and you have didn’t spend months wasting time.

Of all the paid methods, there are two that are most known and most commonly used.

You probably know what I’m going to say.

Google Ads and Facebook Ads.

These two are the giants in the online marketing world and both can work incredible well if used correctly.

So the question is which should you go for?

I will give you a brief explanation of how I see both of these and what I think each are good for.

Google Ads

Google Ads is good if people are already looking for what you offer. These people already need what you have are have taken the time to look for it, so they are usually a lot more ready to buy than just random people scrolling through Facebook.

You can easily check how many people are searching for what you offer by using the Google Ads Keyword Planner. This is a free tool within Google Ads that lets you look up any keyword you want and will tell you approximately how many people search this keyword from the location or locations that you set. You can then use this data to decide if there is enough volume to make Google Ads worthwhile (and subsequently SEO, which I will go into in a bit).

Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads on the other hand lets you target anyone who’s on their platform whether they are looking for what you offer or not. Now, you are able to narrow that down by going after people with particular interests, as well as other factors like age, gender, location and so on.

This is fantastic if you are offering something new that people don’t actually know to look for, or if you want to expand beyond just the people who are actively searching and want to offer your services to others who may not know they need it, for example. It’s also useful if you have a huge budget and are not able to squeeze any more traffic out of Google.

So, which one should you do for your law firm?

My recommendation is to begin with Google Ads. Here’s why:

I know from experience and from talking to quite a number of lawyers that Google brings the best results for law firms.

The reason why is because there is an enormous amount of Google searches happening every month for just about every area of law.

People have legal problems and they are looking for solutions. This is a “starving crowd” who know they have a problem and want to solve it. And with Google Ads you can put yourself right in front of them.

Due to this, Google Ads is usually the best place to start with marketing your law firm, and is generally what I recommend for new clients. If you set it up right, you should be seeing results quickly, usually within the first month, and have leads coming in.

Once that’s happening, you’ve proved that Google works for you and you are getting leads. This means that it now makes sense to invest in doing SEO as well.

This is another reason I recommend doing Google Ads first. Before investing 6 months plus into SEO, running a Google Ads campaign for a month or two will show you if it’s even worth doing. This could save you a lot of headache and wasted money if you find out that for some reason you can’t get results from Google.

So that’s generally how I approach online marketing for a law firm. Like I said this applies primarily for smaller firms and firms that are just starting out who don’t have a huge budget.

I hope that was helpful. If you have any questions just hit the comments below.

Online Marketing Tips

Why Google Reviews Are Important

Very few things are more powerful than social proof. When people see other people doing something, especially if lots of people are doing it, they are also very likely to do it. Humans are designed to follow the pack, and as a business this can be extremely beneficial if you are on the receiving end of the social proof.

This is why reviews are very important – they are social proof through text. Reviews allow people to tell everyone else how great your firm is, so that they also want to come to you and get the same result.

When people need someone for a particular job or service (let’s say a lawyer), the first thing they do is they ask people they trust, such as friends or family, for recommendations. That’s social proof from their most trusted sources. Often it only takes one of these people to recommend someone and they’ll go straight to them. Because they trust the source.

However, if their immediate circle can’t recommend anyone, the next step is to go to a local information source (Google) and see what a large group of people they don’t know have to say. However, in this case, a very large number of positive reviews are required to equal the level of trust of one person that they already trust.

This is why getting as many good reviews as possible is crucial. If you see one 5 star review, it’s not going to mean much. But if you see 500, odds are there’s a reason for it and you are more likely to trust that you will get good service from that business.

On top of that, Google looks at reviews when it decides which businesses to show in the local results – the little box at the top of page 1 search results that shows 3 to 5 businesses with reviews, address etc. If you have poor reviews or a very small number of reviews, your chances of showing up there are slim.

This is important because of all the clicks from keyword searches looking for local businesses, around 45% of people click on one of the businesses in the local results box (known as the “Google Local Pack”). That’s almost half of the people searching! So if you are not there, or if you are showing up with a poor star rating, you’re missing out on a huge chunk of traffic.

So How Do You Get Good Google Reviews?


Ask every client you service, especially if you got them a good result or know they are happy with your service, to leave you a review on Google.

Send them a quick email saying something like “Thanks for using [YOUR BUSINESS NAME], it’s been a pleasure working with you. If you were happy with our service we’d really appreciate an honest review.” and send them the link to your Google business listing.

You can also have “Leave a review” in your email signature with a link to your Google business profile, as well as a link on your website.

The more you can remind people, the more reviews you will get.

Google Ads & PPC Online Marketing Tips SEO

Why You Should Always Track Conversions Whether You Are Doing Law Firm SEO or PPC

Tracking conversions is absolutely crucial so that you know if your marketing is actually working or not. However, I still come across many businesses who don’t do it (or don’t do it correctly) and don’t actually know what results their marketing is getting.

Firstly, What Are Conversions?

A conversion is a metric that you set up in Google Ads or Google Analytics (or other tracking software), which triggers when someone takes a specific action on your website. This could be something like filling out a form or clicking a phone number.

You can set anything you want to be a conversion, such as visits to a specific page, clicking a button or watching a video. The purpose of them is to measure specific actions that you are trying to get people to take.

If you are running a law firm, generally speaking you are trying to get leads. So, you’d want to track leads through your website by using conversions.

How to Set Up Conversions

How I like to set up conversions is I track form submissions, phone number clicks and email clicks. These are the 3 contact methods I usually use for websites I’m managing.

What setting this up will allow you to do is see where the leads came from (such as organic traffic, PPC, social media) and what action they took (filled out a form, clicked a phone number).

Here’s an example of what that looks like in Google Analytics:

Form submit conversions:

Tracking Conversions Form SubmitsPhone number click conversions:

Tracking Conversions Phone Clicks

You can see how it shows you rows for Organic Search, Paid Search, Social and more. This allows you to see exactly where each lead came from. It also allows you to set your Google Ads to optimise for conversions, which can significantly increase the conversion rate of your ads.

Once you set this up, you will know exactly what kind of results you are getting from your marketing campaigns and can calculate what it’s costing you to get a lead. From there you can optimise, decide if you should scale or if something needs to be fixed.

Google Ads & PPC Online Marketing Tips SEO

One Thing You Can Do Right Now to Get More Leads Through Your Legal Website

There’s one thing you can do right now to increase the amount of leads you get through your legal website no matter whether you run Google Ads, Facebook Ads, do SEO, or any other kind of marketing. If you are trying to get leads through your website, this will work.

You need to make sure you have your contact methods clearly visible and absolutely everywhere. Whether you want them to fill out a form, click a call button to call you, or click an email button to send an email, you want to make these stand out and quick and easy to get to from any page on your website.

I still see a lot of websites which don’t have forms on every page, and the email or phone number is only visible in small text in the footer. Often times you can’t even click to call. This is a guaranteed way to lose a good percentage of your leads.

Every time you make a person take an extra action, such as look for something, click a button, go to another page etc, you are going to lose a percentage of them. People will sooner leave your website and go to the next one than look around your website trying to find your contact details.

So, if you want to increase your leads, one of the quickest and easiest things you can do is to make sure your contact details are very prominent on every page of your website, especially if you are sending traffic to that page.