Dominate Marketing

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SEO Agency For For Lawyers & Law Firms

We Build a Marketing System That Generates Clients Consistently For Your Firm

Is your firm looking to attract new clients and grow your practice? Look no further – Dominate Marketing is the solution!

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is essential for any law firm, and search engine optimization (SEO) is the key. By optimizing your website and content, you can increase your visibility on search engines like Google and drive more organic traffic to your site, resulting in more clients for your firm.

But why is SEO so important for law firms? Well, think about it – when someone needs legal advice or representation, where do they turn? 

The internet. 

And if your law firm doesn’t show up on the first page of search results, chances are those potential clients will never find you (but they will find your competition!).

That’s where SEO comes in.

SEO ensures that your website actually shows up in Google Search Results when someone searches for a lawyer, making it easier for potential clients to find your firm.

At Dominate Marketing, we are an SEO agency specializing in lawyer SEO and understand the unique challenges that lawyers face in the competitive online landscape. We have a proven track record of helping law firms achieve higher rankings and generate significantly more leads through strategic SEO techniques tailored specifically for the legal industry.

What Is Attorney SEO?

Firstly, what exactly is attorney SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization which is the process of building and optimizing a website to show up in Google Search when someone types in a keyword that is related to the services your firm offers.

SEO for attorneys is specifically tailored to the needs of legal professionals like yourself. It’s all about optimizing your online presence so that potential clients can easily find you when they search for lawyers or legal services on Google.

These days, people turn to the internet when they need legal help. Whether it’s a personal injury case or a divorce proceeding, individuals are using search engines to find attorneys who specialize in their specific needs.

This is where attorney SEO comes into play – it helps you shows up in those search results and attract more qualified leads who are specifically looking for what you do.

Why Is SEO Important For Law Firms?

Having a strong online presence is crucial for law firms as it allows them to reach a wider audience and attract more potential clients.

In today’s digital age, people turn to Google to find solutions to their legal issues. By implementing effective SEO strategies, law firms can ensure that they appear at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs) when potential clients are looking for legal services.

SEO is important for law firms because it helps ensure that when a potential client is looking for legal help, their website shows up at the top of the search results.

When your website ranks higher in SERPs, it signals to potential clients that you are a reputable and trustworthy firm.

Studies have shown that users tend to trust websites that appear on the first page of search results more than those on subsequent pages.

Therefore, investing in SEO can significantly impact your firm’s reputation and ultimately lead to an increase in client inquiries (on top of that which you would already receive from the extra traffic boost).

SEO allows law firms to target specific keywords related to their practice areas. By optimizing your website content with relevant keywords, you can attract highly qualified leads who are actively searching for the legal services you offer. This targeted approach ensures that you are reaching individuals who have a genuine interest in hiring an attorney.

Additionally, SEO provides long-term benefits for law firms. Unlike traditional marketing methods such as print ads or billboards which have limited reach and require ongoing investment, SEO has lasting effects. Once you establish a strong online presence through optimized content and backlinks, it becomes easier to maintain your rankings over time.

Using this strategy, you can greatly expand your online presence and become the dominating firm in your area.

How Does SEO For Lawyers Work?

SEO for lawyers works by optimizing online content and targeting specific keywords to increase the chances that the website shows up in Google when someone searches those keywords.

The process involves various strategies such as keyword research, on-page optimization, content creation, and link building.

By identifying and targeting the right keywords that potential clients are searching for, you can ensure that your website is considered a more relevant result for those keywords, and in turn appears at the top of their search results.

Additionally, creating high-quality content that showcases your expertise and answers common legal questions can also boost your visibility online as well as help to get more visitors on the website to contact you and become clients.

Also, when other reputable websites link back to yours (a process known as link building), search engines see this as a vote of confidence and reward your site with higher rankings.

4 Key Parts to Law Firm SEO

When it comes to law firm SEO, there are several key components that you need to focus on.

First and foremost is technical SEO, which involves optimizing your website’s structure and code for search engines.

Technical & Onpage SEO

The foundation of good SEO is the onpage and technical SEO applied to the website.

This part needs to be done correctly if you want to stand a chance of ranking, especially in an industry that’s so competitive as the legal industry.

Here are the key elements you need to focus on:

  • Site Structure
  • Meta titles and descriptions
  • H1 headlines
  • URLs
  • Internal links
  • Images & alt tags
  • Website speed
  • Mobile optimization
  • Schema markup
  • Sitemaps
  • SSL Certificate

By mastering all these elements, you will have a site with a strong foundation that is ready to be built on to rank.

Local SEO

Local SEO is crucial for lawyers as it helps you target specific geographical areas where potential clients are searching for legal services.

By optimizing your website and online profiles with accurate location information, such as your address, phone number and business hours, you increase the chances of appearing in local search results.

Additionally, creating a Google My Business profile allows you to show up on Google Maps and in the Google Local Results (which can drive a huge amount of enquiries), and provide essential information to potential clients to make it easier for them to contact you and find your firm.

As a side note, remember to encourage satisfied clients to leave positive reviews, as they can boost your local SEO efforts.


Content is the backbone of any SEO strategy these days and it not only helps you to rank on Google but also to convince potential clients why they should use your firm (which is a key component that is often overlooked).

By creating engaging and informative content on your law firm’s website, you will establish your website as a “topical authority” for your niche on Google, which will make ranking for difficult keywords much quicker and easier.

To establish yourself as a Topical Authority, follow these guidelines:

  1. Address common legal questions or concerns your target audience may have. The more information and education you can provide, the bestter
  2. Write in a way that is easy to understand, avoiding complex jargon (which no one will read!).
  3. Incorporate images, infographics, or videos to enhance the user experience (Google loves this).
  4. Research relevant keywords and make content that specifically addresses these keywords.

By creating high-quality content that answers users’ queries effectively, you can position your law firm as a trusted resource in the legal field which will increase both your rankings and your enquiries.

Backlinks & Citations

Building strong backlinks and citations plays a big part in getting Google to trust your site and in turn show it in the search results.

Backlinks are links from other websites that lead to your site, indicating the value and trustworthiness of your content.

Citations, on the other hand, involve mentions of your law firm’s name, address, and phone number on other websites (such as business listings).

Both backlinks and citations serve as endorsements of your expertise and contribute to improving your website’s authority and reputation.

They not only drive traffic to your site but also play a significant role in boosting its visibility in search engine results pages, because they signal that other websites Google already trusts are willing to link to you. It’s like when a friend recommends something, you are more likely to trust the recommendation.

Investing time and effort into building high-quality backlinks and accurate citations is essential for the success of your law firm’s SEO strategy. These elements act as a virtual army of trusted allies, vouching for your firm’s credibility and expertise in the legal field.

Conversion Rate Optimization

An often overlooked part of SEO, conversion rate optimization allows you to maximize the potential of your website by fine-tuning its conversion rate, increasing the number of enquiries you get without having to get more traffic.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is the process of optimizing your website to increase the percentage of visitors who take desired actions, such as filling out a contact form or calling you.

By analyzing user behavior and implementing strategic changes, you can significantly increase the amount of enquiries you get.

You want to start by understanding your target audience and their needs. Create compelling calls-to-action that encourage users to take action. Streamline your website’s layout and navigation to make it easy for visitors to find what they’re looking for. Test different elements like headlines, images, and forms to identify what resonates best with your audience.

Investing in CRO not only improves user experience but also boosts your bottom line. By converting more visitors into leads and clients, you can maximize the return on investment from each visitor to your site. Not only that, but a higher conversion rate now also means higher rankings, so it’s a double win!

How We Do SEO For Lawyers

When it comes to lawyer SEO, our approach sets us apart from the competition.

We understand that ranking high on search engine results is just one piece of the puzzle. Our focus goes beyond increasing your rankings, or even your traffic – we are focus on driving real, qualified leads to your law firm.

The problem you have with most marketing agencies is they only focus on 1 piece of the puzzle. They don’t take the whole picture into account.

If they are doing SEO, they only focus on rankings.

If they are running ads, they are only focusing on the number of clicks or conversions, but not the real world results.

We take a more holistic approach.

Strategy and Positioning

One of the most important things we do is actually considering the overall strategy and looking how to position your firm to get the best results in the shortest amount of time.

Maybe that means focusing on a specific area of law, or going after a specific type of client. This will greatly depend on each specific circumstance and makes all the difference to what results you will get, and ultimately the ROI.

Safe & Effective SEO

When done incorrectly, there are risks to SEO. People take these risks to get a short term results, but that only leads to problems in the mid to long term.

Our approach is very effective yet completely safe. It is based on content and establishing your site as a topical authority, rather than trying to get as many backlinks as possible from questionable sites or other “grey hat” or “black hat” methods.

Our whole approach is that we are building you an asset to generate you business, and we will not risk that asset being penalized by Google.

Looking to Grow Your Law Firm?

If you are looking for a proven marketing strategy to generate business for your law firm, speak to us today.

Our specialty is building marketing systems that generate at least $100K-$300K per year in new business for your firm long term, and we guarantee our results.

Speak to us today to see if this will work for you and get the marketing solution you have been looking for.


Local SEO

Local SEO is SEO specifically for law firms who operate in a specific area. If you run a law firm and are looking to grow, we can definitely help.

Technical SEO

If you have a website that needs optimizing, we are able to carry out all technical SEO optimization.

SEO Audits

Want to know what you need to optimize on your automotive site? We can do an audit and give a report of all the things you need to do in order to get your website to rank.

FAQ About Law Firm SEO

You’ll be amazed at how quickly search engine optimization can transform your law firm’s online visibility. With the right strategies in place, you can start seeing results in as little as a few weeks. However, it’s important to note that SEO is an ongoing process that requires time and effort to achieve long-lasting success.

Typically speaking, we expect to see significant results within a 6 month period. This accounts for any issues there may with the site, if the site is new etc. It is rare to not see a noticeable difference within a 6 month period.

While social media and PPC can be effective in their own right, SEO offers distinct advantages.

Unlike social media or PPC, which require ongoing investment to maintain visibility, SEO is a long-term strategy that builds a strong foundation for your website without relying on having to pay for your website to show.

With SEO, you optimize your website’s content and structure to rank higher in search engine results, increasing organic traffic over time.

This means that once you’ve achieved a good ranking, you continue to benefit from increased visibility without having to pay for every click or post.

Typically, it takes several months to start seeing noticeable results from your attorney SEO efforts. This is because search engines need time to crawl and index your website, as well as evaluate its relevance and authority.

We typically work with the expectation of a minimum of 6 months to achieve noticeable results and account for Google’s sometimes slow pace in indexing website.

Additionally, competition within the legal industry can be fierce, requiring consistent optimization and content creation to stand out. However, with a strategic approach and ongoing effort, you can expect improved rankings and increased organic traffic over time.

You can definitely do SEO for your law firm on your own, but hiring an agency is usually a better idea.

Symbolically speaking, think of SEO as a complex puzzle with numerous pieces that need to fit perfectly together.

Realistically speaking, unless you already know how to do SEO, it will take you months to years to learn how to do it correctly.

Then you also need to account for the fact that the legal industry is extremely competitive, and you need to be versed in advanced SEO strategies to make it happen.

So yes, you very well could do it, but expect it to take many hours to learn and implement, and then you still may not get the best results.

Not when we do it.

Sure, if you hire an agency who use questionable “black hat” methods to get you quick results, there certainly can be very serious penalties including getting your website manually penalized from Google search which can be practically impossible to reverse.

However, we only use proven, 100% safe strategies which ensure there is no risk. We have never had a website penalized or drop on Google, and we don’t intend to start now.

Common mistakes that law firms make in their SEO strategies include neglecting local optimization, failing to create high-quality and relevant content, not optimizing their pages for conversions, and ignoring the importance of mobile optimization.

Most specific tactics when it comes to law firm SEO have to do with known which practice areas and which keywords to target in order to get rankings quickly.

Many law firms focus on the main keywords which are extremely competitive and very hard to rank for, while neglecting the many keywords with lower competition that still get a lot of searches.

By knowing what to look for, we are able to select the right keywords to go after to start getting traffic and leads much faster than if we just focused on the main keywords that everyone else is going after.

Case Studies

Law Firm Getting 6X More Leads Without Spending a Cent More On Ads

Auto Electrician Getting 130 Leads Per Month With Only $400 In Adspend!

Automotive blog getting 28,000 visitors per month in less than a year!

3X Organic Traffic Within 6 Months!

14X Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) from Google Ads

Car Accident Assessor Went From 0 to 80 Leads Per Month With Only $1000 Ad Spend

Want Results Like These?

Client Testimonials

6 reviews on
The business name says it all, Dominate Marketing. Mateja and his team are experts in their field and it is so refreshing to finally find a marketing team that actually does what they say. Mateja has revived my website and ranked it much higher in a shorter amount of time. Thank you again Mateja.
Unyte Management
Unyte Management
10/10 for Mateja. He's a pro at what he does, and there's no argument to be made there. He addressed our issue directly, offering honest and straightforward suggestions. It was a great pleasure working with him as he helped us generate more leads scaling our business even more.
Peter Fam
Peter Fam
Mateja is very good at what he does. He is efficient, helpful and his service is full of value particularly given the reasonable price. I highly recommend relying on him to elevate your business' internet presence.
Sophie Bloy
Sophie Bloy
We started working with Mateja mid 2022 and were getting around 20 leads per month through our Google ads and website in the months prior. Mateja optimized our entire website and Google Ads campaign, which resulted in an increase to over 90 leads per month without increasing our ad budget. With the increased performance we were confident to spend more money on ads and explore running ads in new practice areas which allows us to bring in even more lucrative cases for our business. We highly recommend Mateja. He is reliable, full of great ideas, and gets the results.
Kevin Magee
Kevin Magee
Outstanding, Mateja revived our non functioning website back to page 1 of google. I had approached 3 other companies but Mateja stepped up and owned it and still goes beyond our expectations. We get so many comments from customers and the leads keep growing every month. Kev@AAwreckers (1998) Ltd.
David Sweas
David Sweas
We were looking to expand our service shop and our offering, going from two lifts to four in our new facility, and we hired Mateja to build a website and run our online marketing. Our previous marketing was focused on our manufacturing operation that sells overseas, we hadn’t invested much in our local service offering at that time. Over the 12 months after engaging Mateja, we had an increase of cars in the shop to about double our previous volume, and a noteworthy change in the mix across brands that we service. Mateja has been helpful as a one-stop shop helping us to market across several different digital channels, and his proactive ideas and content generation have helped us to keep up with shifts in the market.
Kiro Mladenovik
Kiro Mladenovik
Hiring Mateja’s services was the best investment I made. He improved website functionality, increased phone calls, traffic and client visits. Very happy with his services. Highly recommended

Here's Exactly What's Included When We Do Law Firm SEO For You:

First and foremost we offer a marketing strategy for your firm.

What we do is carefully analyze exactly what’s going on in your firm, where the opportunities are, and what is not worth going after.

We discuss these with you to establish exactly what you want and what the right move is, and then formulate a marketing plan to get you the best return.

Chess knight icon

Marketing Strategy


Search Engine Optimisation

Obviously the SEO itself is part of this service, which means your entire website will get optimised along with anything off-site that need to be done, such as:

  • Google Business (Maps) Listing
  • Backlinks
  • Business directory listings
  • Social media profile optimisation
  • Google Search Console

With our SEO service, website and landing page optimisation is always included.

If that means having to build out the whole website in a new platform (such as WordPress) to allow us to properly optimise the site and install conversion tracking, we will do it.

This allows us to make sure we are getting as many people as possible to contact you, and continually optimise it to be better and better.

This also includes general website maintenance and updates at no extra cost. 

Want to update some images? Need a new page for a new service you are offering? No worries, that’s part of the package.

(As a side note, as surprising as it is, many marketing agencies don’t actually include this with their marketing services.)


Website & Landing Page Optimisation

Conversion Tracking

Conversion Tracking

Conversion tracking is a crucial part of any marketing campaign so that you actually know if it’s working or not.

We always track all conversions (meaning leads) including form submissions, phone number clicks and email clicks.

This allows us to know exactly what is working, what isn’t, and optimise accordingly. 

Without this, you are basically working blind (most marketing agencies out there).

Having spent years learning from some of the best copywriters on the planet, I understand what it takes to get people to want to buy.

Combine that with my experience marketing law firms, I know what to say and how to say it to make your firm the best option in the eyes of a potential client.

Every page I put together is carefully and methodically written to get people to take action and contact you immediately.

That’s how you get double digit conversion rates and a very profitable marketing campaign.

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Professional Copywriting