Dominate Marketing

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We Build Profitable Google ADS & SEO Campaigns For Australian Businesses

Case Studies

Automotive blog getting 28,000 visitors per month in less than a year!

14X Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) from Google Ads

Law Firm Making $180,000+ From Google Ads

Auto Electrician Getting 130 Leads Per Month With Only $400 In Adspend!

3X Organic Traffic Within 6 Months!

Car Accident Assessor Went From 0 to 80 Leads Per Month With Only $1000 Ad Spend

Law Firm Gets 3X Increase In Organic Traffic After Website SEO Overhaul

Law Firm Gets 4X Increase In Organic Traffic After Website Rebuild & SEO Implementation

Plumber Goes From 0 to 400 Users and 483 Keywords In 4 Months

Want Results Like These?

What Our Clients Have to Say

6 reviews on
The business name says it all, Dominate Marketing. Mateja and his team are experts in their field and it is so refreshing to finally find a marketing team that actually does what they say. Mateja has revived my website and ranked it much higher in a shorter amount of time. Thank you again Mateja.
Unyte Management
Unyte Management
10/10 for Mateja. He's a pro at what he does, and there's no argument to be made there. He addressed our issue directly, offering honest and straightforward suggestions. It was a great pleasure working with him as he helped us generate more leads scaling our business even more.
Peter Fam
Peter Fam
Mateja is very good at what he does. He is efficient, helpful and his service is full of value particularly given the reasonable price. I highly recommend relying on him to elevate your business' internet presence.
Sophie Bloy
Sophie Bloy
We started working with Mateja mid 2022 and were getting around 20 leads per month through our Google ads and website in the months prior. Mateja optimized our entire website and Google Ads campaign, which resulted in an increase to over 90 leads per month without increasing our ad budget. With the increased performance we were confident to spend more money on ads and explore running ads in new practice areas which allows us to bring in even more lucrative cases for our business. We highly recommend Mateja. He is reliable, full of great ideas, and gets the results.
Kevin Magee
Kevin Magee
Outstanding, Mateja revived our non functioning website back to page 1 of google. I had approached 3 other companies but Mateja stepped up and owned it and still goes beyond our expectations. We get so many comments from customers and the leads keep growing every month. Kev@AAwreckers (1998) Ltd.
David Sweas
David Sweas
We were looking to expand our service shop and our offering, going from two lifts to four in our new facility, and we hired Mateja to build a website and run our online marketing. Our previous marketing was focused on our manufacturing operation that sells overseas, we hadn’t invested much in our local service offering at that time. Over the 12 months after engaging Mateja, we had an increase of cars in the shop to about double our previous volume, and a noteworthy change in the mix across brands that we service. Mateja has been helpful as a one-stop shop helping us to market across several different digital channels, and his proactive ideas and content generation have helped us to keep up with shifts in the market.
Kiro Mladenovik
Kiro Mladenovik
Hiring Mateja’s services was the best investment I made. He improved website functionality, increased phone calls, traffic and client visits. Very happy with his services. Highly recommended

Where Most Australian Businesses Go Wrong

Lack of Strategy

Many businesses market to the wrong people or to anybody and everybody. 

The problem with this is you could have the best offer in the world, if it’s in front of the wrong people it won’t get you results.

Not Enough Traffic

You could have the best offer and marketing funnel in the world, but if not enough people see it you will not get any customers.

Poor Conversion

Getting people to your website is not enough. You must be able to convert them into customers if you want to make money.

Unfortunately, this is the crucial step that most marketing agencies and businesses overlook.

Here's Why We're the #1 Google Ads & SEO Agency In Australia

I assume you’re here because you are looking to get more customers or clients for your business.

See the thing is, every other business out there wants to get those exact same customers or clients for themselves.

This means that you need to outcompete them in order to win.

There are only 2 ways to do that:

  1. Be the best marketer
  2. Hire the best marketer

I’m going to assume that your specialty is probably whatever it is that your business does, and not marketing.

So your solution is to hire the best marketer to get you the customers or clients you want.

That’s where we come in.

As a marketing agency with a proven track record of results, we can confidently say that we have what it takes to outcompete your competition and get you the results you are looking for.

One of the things that allows us to be very good at what we do is we focus only on a few key things that we know extremely well, which allows us to get better results than anyone else.

We only do two things:

  1. SEO
  2. Google Ads

We don’t do anything else. No Facebook, no TikTok, no Instagram, nothing.

This allows us to focus specifically on Google Search and absolutely dominate the competition, getting you the best results.

We know Google inside and out and have a proven system that we know with certainty works because we’ve done it over and over for countless businesses.

When an agency runs too many different marketing channels, everything is an experiment (usually with your ad budget).

With us, it’s a proven repeatable process on the platform we know extremely well.

This allows us to know exactly what needs to be done to achieve the result you want, how long it’s going to take and what it’s going to cost.

There’s no guessing. Just results.

The Process

Step 1: Strategy

The first thing we do is find out the details of your business so that we can put together a strategy that will get you the type of customers or clients you want and get you the best results in the shortest amount of time.

Step 2: Launch

Once the strategy is established, we begin implementing on that strategy by building the foundation of your website, setting up the Google Ads (if we are running them), ensuring you have a Google Business Profile and all the other pieces to the puzzle.

Then we launch.

Step 3: Domination

From here we continue to expand your website, taking over more and more keywords on Google which results in more traffic and more customers without having to spend more money on ads.

Eventually, your website becomes the dominating authority in your niche, and your business becomes the go-to for the product or service you offer.

What We Do

Websites That
Make Money

The point of a website is to convert people into paying customers.

We will build you a new, completely optimised website or optimise your current one to ensure that it does it’s job at making you money.

That includes everything from design to writing the content to building out the pages and putting it all together.

(And this website is yours to keep forever).

Google Ads

Google Ads allows us to put together a marketing campaign that is going to get you immediate results.

Once we launch the ads, you will quickly begin to see enquiries and sales, making you profit right from the beginning.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Search Engine Optimisation is the foundation of our system. 

It is a longer term strategy that will ensure your business continues to grow without having to spend more money on ads.

As we continue to optimise your website, it will show up for more and more searches on Google, which leads to exponentially more business and a higher return because you don’t pay extra for that traffic.

As part of the SEO process, we optimise all aspects of your website as well as off-site assets such as your Google Business Profile, online listings, social profiles and more.


That Sells

There is no point of running an advertising campaign or doing SEO if people land on a website that does a bad job at selling your services.

As professional copywriters, we structure your content in a tested-and-proven manner that convinces potential customers that you are their best solution, making them want to buy from you specifically. This gets you more sales.

Conversion Tracking & Optimisation

We set up all tracking of phone numbers, emails, form submissions, sales and any other conversion events so that we know exactly what kind of results you get.

This allows us to not only accurately report on the performance of your campaign every month, but also to optimise everything so that you get the best results.

What gets measured gets done, and we measure and optimise everything.

Who We Work With

Law Firms


Home Services


And More

About Us

I’m Mateja Matic, the founder of Dominate Marketing. I have been doing SEO & Google Ads for almost 10 years. 

In that time I have have helped over 50 businesses in a range of niches get to page 1 of Google and grow their business.

My focus is to provide a premium service, get better results than anyone else and build a long term, profitable relationship with each and every one of our clients.

Frequently Asked Questions

Typically, it will take about 2-4 weeks to get the website done and set up the Google Ads campaign, at which point we can start running ads. 

For more complex websites, setup time may take a bit longer, though this is uncommon. We will give you a time estimate when we begin working with you.

No. We work purely on a performance basis, so if you are not happy with the results at any point there is nothing stopping you from cancelling our services without any sort of fee or penalty.

Unlike most marketing agencies, we don’t expect you to pay if you are not getting results.

Our guarantee works on the basis that if you do not get the results we agreed upon when we started working together, we will either continue to work for free to make it happen, or give you your money back. Simple as that.

Because every client’s needs are different, our pricing is dynamic and will depend on the exact work required. Please book a call using the calendar below so that we can find out exact what you need and give you an accurate price.

Only the adspend for Google Ads, which you pay directly to Google.

There are no other additional expenses unless we specifically advise you.