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Website Tips

3 Common Website Mistakes Law Firms Make

Having looked a lot of legal websites (easily in the hundreds by now) I often see the mistakes being made over and over. These mistakes result in less leads, lower conversion rates, and higher ad costs, so they are important to make note of.

1. Hard to find contact details

This is probably the most common one I see and it will kill your conversion rates. The reason why is because people hate to have to do any work, so when you make them hunt for your contact details, they will sooner leave your website than do so.

Having a contact button in your header and a small phone number and email in the footer is not enough. It’s very easy to miss, and you have to remember that most people are on mobile and in that case it’s even harder to find them.

You want to make sure you have your contact details absolutely everywhere on your website. I spoke more about this topic in this post here, so if you want to know more go check that out.

2. Keywords not in Page Titles and H1 Headlines

Not having the main keywords in the H1 headline and Page Titles is another common one I see.

When writing your H1 headlines and Page Titles, you want to look at which keywords are worth going after and then making sure they are in the titles.

For example, “Family Law” is a common one. “Family Lawyer” is the keyword with the highest search volume when it comes to the topic of Family Law, but by not having the word “Lawyer” in the H1 headline or the Page Title, you are far less likely to show up when someone searches “Family Lawyer”.

Not having the location in the H1 headline or Page Title is also a common mistake. By including the location, you are making your website much more relevant for when someone from that area searches the keywords, and especially if they include the keyword in their search, for example “Family Lawyer Sydney”.

Remember, if you don’t have the keywords in your H1 Headlines and Page Titles, other firms do. So they are the ones that are going to show up when someone searches.

I spoke more about page titles in this post here, so check that out if you want to know more.

3. Listing all services on one page

Having one page where you list all your services/expertise as opposed to individual pages for each one is a problem for several reasons.

1) It’s bad for SEO, because your pages are not specifically relevant to any particular topic to rank. So no matter what you do, websites that have specific pages are always going to outrank you.

2) It’s less relevant for the person searching and looking at your website, so your conversion rates are going to be significantly lower since the page is not exactly about what they are looking for.

You would get far better results by having a specific page about each of the services your provide, whether you are running ads or relying on organic traffic. Your conversion rates will be higher, and the chances of you showing on page 1 and much higher, as it will be practically impossible to do with a single general services page.